Thursday, 21 November 2013

The Power of Email Marketing!

Email Marketing

The most powerful advertisement method?...

After reading Arthur Hughes' article 'Why Email Marketing is King' it has become clear to me that this form of advertisement is extremely underrated. "According to eMarketer, this year U.S. companies are spending about $64 billion per year on TV, $34 billion on print ads, and $39 billion on Internet advertising. And how much are they are spending on email? For that, we have Forrester data: only about $1.5 billion."

Hughes' article caused me to question my own behaviour towards Email Marketing. After searching through my past emails which I had previously deemed as 'junk', I came across a Groupon email which had targeting me through email marketing. I realised that I had previously signed up to receive weekly offers from Groupon. One key offer that really stood out to me was the 6 Nations offer which is shown on the left. 

After clicking on the URL provided in the email, I was taken to Groupons 'Landing Page'. I was then asked whether I am a new or an existing member. This caused me to question how personal the email and landing page actually was, as Groupon were the ones to contact me, yet they do not know if I am an existing customer or not. 

The landing page is simple and self explanatory which is highly important as if the page seems to complex or stressful the user is likely to 'bounce' straight away. The page also shows how many other people purchased this offer and how long the offer is available for. This is a great marketing tool as if the number of purchases is high and the time left is low, then user is more likely to make the purchase there and then. - all through the power of Email Marketing! 

Finally, as you can see from the top of the landing page there is the option to 'get deals by email'. This allows Groupon to restart the process of Email Marketing again, and begin collecting data.

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